Tips on How to Start Your SEO Career

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Digital Marketing is undoubtedly one of the fastest-changing disciplines around. The career of being an SEO Specialist is not just online marketing task. Other Career opportunities in the field of SEO and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) being just a subset and there are many areas of SEO which you can specialise and tend to be well paid.

Following are some tips to kick-start your career and get a job in SEO industry today:-

1) Learn SEO Basics: The digital marketing industry is both fast growing and extremely competitive. This industry requires passion and a desire to succeed.

SEO basics include:

  • On-page: A complete website analysis of all the on-page site elements (Title, description, meta tags etc) that affect how efficiently and effectively the search engine spider crawls and understand your website content.
  • Off-page: Generate your company business profiles created in the major search engines including Google, Yahoo etc., mapping those sites, submitting to business listing directories, classifieds, local media listing, and more.
  • Analytics: This covers analysis all the site referrer data and tracking site visitors, through google analytics, webmaster tools, and tag manager works based on reports identify the user demographics and their behaviour on a site.
  • Mobile Marketing: It covers your site behaviour on mobile devices, mobile search on search engines and interfaces like Apple’s.
  • Content development: Getting familiar with popular CMSs (Content Management System) see how content management systems function (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal). This covers writing unique content on site, social media messaging and blog posts.
  • Link building: The process of getting quality links from external websites to your site and create backlinks in right way.
  • Keyword research: Identifying the keywords and phrases to be used by websites to earn relevance to a targeted subject in search.

2) Networking: The people you meet will be your ongoing support network when you run into problems it’s better to surround yourself with people more talented than yourself.

Attend SEO meetups and sessions to develop relationships with other digital marketers and enhance your skill.

3) Personal Developments: Try out your own ideas and research and don’t just treat industry leaders’ opinions as hard rule. Advance your skills, every digital marketer should have personal plans to test out theories, try your hand at multiple techniques (SEO, PPC, Social Media, Content Marketing etc.) and be able to take accountability for the success or failure of a project.

4) Stay Updated:  Keep yourself on the top of industry news by following major digital marketing sites (Moz, , SEOGadget, Search Engine Land, Hubspot) and follow influential people on social media(Facebook, Twitter etc)

5) Learn the Terminology:  Digital marketer’s needs to be comfortable with acronyms such as PPC, SEM and SEO. They are all very different terms with a misunderstanding of them being a clear sign that you have a beginner’s skill set and need further training.

6) Need to be Technical:  SEO and Digital marketing industry look quite glamorous, but truth is it’s often more technical and data driven then we would care to admit. A basic knowledge of HTML and graphic design would help to make you stand out among the less technically minded candidates, you’ll have to review the source code of different pages, and you need to understand the basic tags and how they differ from the Google Analytics tracking code.

You won’t be developing websites from flyer but you will be communicating your marketing strategy to a team of developers or designers who have accountability for integrating your recommendations.

7) Result Matters: It’s easy to talk about an exciting and creative idea you’ve helped to develop but the fact remains but money talks. If you want to set yourself apart in an interview, talk about the return on ad spends for a campaign you’ve run yourself.

8) Never Stop Learning SEO: The plus point digital marketing industry have that there are no barriers to entry, meaning that anyone with a slack grasp of industry terminology can potentially get a position in a company. Get certified completing a certified digital marketing course will help to boost your skills. There are many online marketing courses available for different levels of expertise, so no matter if you are a total beginner or an advanced SEO.

You can’t learn SEO once and for ever this industry never stops growing and you’ll have to follow it if you want to be successful.


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